What To Do After a Car Accident

//What To Do After a Car Accident

What To Do After a Car Accident

What To Do After a Car Accident

Being in a car accident is scary, even if it is just a minor fender bender. Just after an accident, it is often difficult to think clearly, but you must begin as soon as possible to do so in order to ensure that the responsible party is made accountable for his or her actions. Although you never want to be in an accident, having a plan in the back of your mind might prepare you if you ever are. Do not admit any guilt to the other party or anybody else involved in helping you after the accident, just in case.

car accident attorneys

Personal Injury

Contact Authorities

The first thing to do after a car accident is to contact the authorities. Do not let the other party talk you out of doing so because he or she probably does not have your best intentions in mind, he or she may not have insurance or have a criminal record to hide. Not only will the police help establish the facts and punish the responsible party if necessary, but they will also help you begin the important step of building a case.

If there are obvious injuries you will want to be examined and treated right away. Even if you do not think you are injured, an initial exam could save your life. Traumatic brain injuries may not present themselves right away and in some cases when they do, it could be too late.

Record Information

Immediately after an accident, you may not feel it is important to press charges or file a suit, but you may decide that the damages require it. If you let too much time pass, the details of the accident start to fade. It is important to record as many of the details of the car accident as possible so they can be recalled in a hearing or trial.

Write down your account

Take pictures on your cell phone
Collect the accounts of witnesses
Do not simply rely on the police account; you want to be able to recall your side of the story.

If you are taken to the hospital and cannot visually record the information right away, make sure that you do as soon as possible. Vivid details and actual pictures will help you establish your case should you ever decide to file a suit against the responsible party. Make sure you get a copy of your visit for your records.

Hire an Accident Attorney

After you assist with the investigation and are treated for any injuries, you should contact a trained car accident attorney as soon as possible. An attorney will help you wade through and maintain all the troublesome paperwork. He or she can take care of any reporting that is involved and ensure that you file any claim before any statute of limitations go into effect. If you are still unable to think clearly after the accident, a qualified attorney will help keep you on track.

By | 2022-04-07T14:35:43+00:00 April 7th, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

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