Questions Frequently Asked By Referring Attorneys

//Questions Frequently Asked By Referring Attorneys

Questions Frequently Asked By Referring Attorneys

Personal Injury Attorneys – Questions Frequently Asked By Referring Attorneys.

Is there a consultation fee?
No. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your case with you. You do not pay any up-front fee. We work on a contingent fee basis only, which means that at the end of the case, when there is a recovery, either through a settlement or a jury verdict, we are paid a percentage of the recovery. The standard percentage is 33 1/3% in personal injury cases; in medical malpractice cases, the fee is set by the state legislature, and there is a sliding scale contingent arrangement on the first $250,000, the attorney receives 30%, on the next $250,000, the attorney receives 25%, on the next $500,000 the attorney receives 20% and the attorneys share continues to decrease as more money is recovered. More on this website

Do I have to pay expenses?
No, the expenses, or disbursements, for the case are paid by the attorneys. At the end of the case, the attorney will be reimbursed for a percentage of the money he has laid out in advance for disbursements. Also, you can feel confident that the expenses are reasonable and necessary for us to prepare and prosecute your case properly. We will account for all expenditures to you at the end of the case with a detailed listing of the disbursements.

How long will the case take?
It is in our interest, as well as yours, to prosecute the case as quickly as possible. We do not want cases to linger. Fortunately, because we handle only the cases we choose, we can devote ample time to each case so that each one reaches a quick and successful conclusion.

Who will be handling my case?
A partner is primarily responsible for every case in our office, including the day-to-day activity and telephone or e-mail communications.

Have you handled this type of case before?
We feel very strongly about only handling cases with a high degree of expertise developed during the past 30 years. Each of our named partners has worked exclusively in plaintiffs’ personal injury and medical malpractice over that period. Some have also practiced in the same field for over a decade.

Who will pay my medical bills?
In many instances, medical bills are paid through various forms of insurance coverage, such as no-fault (in auto cases), workers’ compensation (when the accident is job-related), and personal health insurance (when injuries occur on-premises). Rest assured that we will energetically assist you in getting your medical bills paid through insurance when possible.

How much is my case worth?
Most of our cases have significant value. Often, they may yield six or seven-figure results. It is impossible to give you a realistic estimate initially because your medical condition is subject to change. However, we are eager for you to consult with us often during the case, and we will discuss your case s value when the time is appropriate.

What is expected of me?
It is very helpful for you to do the following: do not talk to anyone about your accident or injuries except one of the lawyers or investigators in our office; keep an accurate record of all days lost from work due to your injuries; obtain and duplicate copies of all medical, hospital and drug bills; send us the negatives of any photographs about a case such as your injuries, damaged vehicle or accident site location; gather your w-2, 1099 and tax returns for us; if you change your address and phone number, notify us immediately.

Will I be entitled to a fee if I refer a client?
Yes. We are extremely thankful for your confidence in us by recommending your client to our office. The ethical rules provide that participation fees are proper, and we honor that principle. We will memorialize our arrangement with you in a written document.

Will my clients be well represented?

Throughout our firm’s history, we have prided in how clients are treated. We truly believe your client should be treated the way we would want to be treated if we were the client. Moreover, we are extremely mindful that the client, in the first instance, is your client, and we endeavor to protect your relationship with the client. Let us help you get what you deserve. Contact us today.

Here are some articles we have posted on Google My Business for Carabin Shaw in San Antonio

By | 2022-11-17T16:45:16+00:00 November 17th, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

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