More Parties Then Just the Drunk Driver Can be Held Liable for Your Drunk Driver Accident.

//More Parties Then Just the Drunk Driver Can be Held Liable for Your Drunk Driver Accident.

More Parties Then Just the Drunk Driver Can be Held Liable for Your Drunk Driver Accident.

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More Parties Then Just the Drunk Driver Can be Held Liable for Your Drunk Driver Accident.

It’s a no-brainer that with most drunk driving accidents the intoxicated driver is at fault for any deaths or injuries that are a consequence of their contemptible and irresponsible actions. If your injuries and losses are severe and you are in dire need of compensation and recompense to cover medical or funeral expenses, pursuing a personal injury or wrongful death claim against the driver immediately may not be the best first choice of action to seek full and fair compensation for your injuries or losses. Justice demands these drunk drivers be held accountable and punished for their recklessness, but there are sometimes more parties that can be held responsible in a drunken-driving accident. These parties may have enabled the careless behavior of the drunk driver with the result being a violent or fatal accident. More about Car Accident Lawyer San Antonio here
Texas dram shop law permits injured or harmed parties to bring a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against any establishment that willfully serves intoxicated patrons and enables their drinking to the point that their blood alcohol content exceeds the legal limit of .08%, or the establishment in question knowingly permits a drunk customer to drive away from their bar or restaurant to endanger other drivers and pedestrians. Stated differently, the alcohol-serving establishment can be held liable for any accidents that involve their intoxicated clientele. This is the way third parties can be involved in a drunken-driving incident. In this case, the serving establishment can be held vicariously liable for the drunk driving mishap.

Why Are Alcohol Service Establishments Held Liable For Drunken Driving Mishaps?

Should every alcohol serving institution strictly obey Texas law and not permit their clientele to leave their establishments while drunk or otherwise intoxicated, the number of drunken driving-associated deaths and injuries would highly likely decrease. To help increase this social good, bars and alcohol-serving restaurants and establishments are also held responsible for their drunken customers’ careless and negligent behavior–this is to reduce the number of drunken driving accident-related injuries and fatalities. As we all know, Texas law does not prevent its citizens from getting behind the wheel while drunk.

It also just so happens that these bars and restaurants, if found negligent of over-serving alcohol, usually have a greater capacity to pay full and fair compensation for the injured or harmed party. These alcohol-serving establishments will usually pay out the increased computation in order to save their reputation with the community. Furthermore, by holding alcohol-serving institutions responsible for their actions, the general public is made aware that profit over the public’s well-being cannot be tolerated where the public’s safety is concerned.

You should be aware that merely pursuing legal action against an alcohol-serving establishment does not automatically mean you should assume that the negligent establishment will pay out a significantly increased compensation. If the establishment in question and the drunk driver are co-defendants in legal action, the judge and jury will determine what percentage of responsibility each party is liable to payout. Stated differently, whatever party has the majority percentage of responsibility will be liable for the majority of your compensation. Nevertheless, this should not stop you from holding each party from owning up to their share of responsibility. Drunken driving accident injuries and fatalities demand that the answerable party be accountable to justice. By holding multiple parties liable for their negligent actions, you stand an increased chance of being fully and fairly compensated for your injuries and/or losses. In other words, the chances of you seeing greater compensation are enhanced by holding all negligent parties accountable.

By | 2023-10-30T20:22:08+00:00 October 30th, 2023|car accidents|0 Comments

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