Damages Commonly Found in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

//Damages Commonly Found in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Damages Commonly Found in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Damages Commonly Found in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

We understand no amount of money can ever compensate you for the loss of your loved one. We also know when a loved one dies, in addition to the emotional upheaval, a family is often put under extreme financial stress and pressure. Our attorneys want to ensure you do not suffer under needless financial hardship and that you can seek justice for the loss of your family member. We will use all our knowledge and resources to help you receive the greatest possible settlement.

There are two different types of claims in comprehensive wrongful death lawsuits: wrongful death damages and survival damages. These claims must be filed separately and tailored for the specific plaintiff filing the claim. Plaintiffs seek wrongful death damages for their own suffering resulting from the victim’s death. Any eligible family member may file these claims and there is no limit to the number of wrongful death claims that can be filed. Wrongful death damages usually include the following:

Loss of financial support previously provided by the victim
Medical and funeral bills
Mental or emotional turmoil
Loss of companionship or consortium

On the other hand, survival damages basically allow a family member to stand in proxy for the victim, in a legal sense and seek compensation for the damages the victim could have pursued if they survived the accident and were alive. Survival damages often include the following:

Property damage
Lost potential income due to catastrophic injuries
Lost wages from time spent away from work
The victim’s physical pain and mental anguish

By | 2023-01-17T21:45:31+00:00 January 17th, 2023|wrongful death|0 Comments

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